So, we are a little early with this post but I kind of wanted to get the New Year off to a good start. So here we are once again going forward with the comic. And I for one am so excited.
So Why a Relaunch?
We originally launched the comic online going back to 2012 and to be honest I really had no clue what I was doing, and I probably should have stuck with it, but life had other plans. Art and I moved states, switched careers and welcomed our second son. So, while we were on our extended hiatus, we went into deep development mode with the comic.
I don’t like spoilers, but I will say that a lot of things are different from that original stack of sketched papers sitting in the bookshelf.

Yeah, that one.
So, you are redoing the artwork?
Yes, the artwork in the original books will be redone and we’ll most likely do something extra for everyone who bought one of the original books.
Now I am well aware that as an artist it’s so important to see how far you’ve come – and even though the perfectionist inside me is kicking and screaming- you shouldn’t update the old stuff.
That being said, Art and I felt that we had made so many changes to not only the artwork but the core storyline of the comic itself, we made the decision to redo those pages.

Still love where we came from but so excited to share where we’re going!
Being only 2 books in, out of an entire series, we felt it was the correct thing to do. But I am not afraid to show the old stuff here and there!
What to look forward to?
New pages on our Read Comics page every Friday until we reach 100!
Lots of extras, comics, art and works in progress on our Instagram and Patreon for the duration of the series.
and more posts on this blog even though I’m not great at writing them!
That’s all for now! Thanks for reading my ramblings!
Happy Reading!